Sample Preparation for TEM analysis (Bulk metal, Powder sample, Brittle material)


  1. Mill the powder sample into very fine size (orders of nm)
  2. Suspend the powders in ethanol (alcohol medium)
  3. Ultrasonicate to disperse the powder till a clear solution is obtained
  4. Using a dropper, dispense few drops of suspension onto the carbon coated copper grid.
  5. Please the grid on TEM sample holder for observation.


  6. Take the bulk sample, and slice it into thickness of < 100 µm
  7. Punch a 3 mm disc from the sheet
  8. Use dimple grinder (either one side or both sides) to bring it down to thickness of 2-5 µm
  9. Use electrochemical etching for getting a perforation on the sample
  10. Follow it up (optional, or in place of electrochemical etching) with ion-beam milling.
  11. The entire sample can now be placed on TEM holder (and will not require a grid for support).


  1. Crush the brittle material and follow the powder process. Here a copper grid (with or without carbon coating) will be needed.
  2. For observing bulk sample, the grinding of the sample should be done to bring it down to < 100 µm thickness.
  3. Now punch the 3 mm disc from the sheet.
  4. Use dimple grinder for thinning it down to 2-5 µm.
  5. Use ion-beam milling process for getting a thin region (electron transparent) for observation under TEM. The entire sample can be used stand alone (without any support grid) for imaging.